School Day

The school day begins at 8.55am.

Children are welcome on the school yard from 8.30am.
Some staff will be present from 8.45am.
If the weather is inclement we will bring the children in earlier.

On a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we have a reading club for Year 1 to Year 6 and a maths and games club for our junior children. A variety of other sessions occur for groups of children some mornings.

The children leave varying times to ensure a safe exit from our site:

AM 11.30am & PM 3.30pm



Lower Juniors—3.25pm

Upper Juniors—3.30pm

We hope these times avoid congestion as much as possible and we appreciate your support. Nursery and Reception children leave via their own doors. The infant children leave by the side gate and all the junior children leave by the main gate.