Early Years
While your child is in Nursery or Reception Class they will be part of our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
We feel our school is a special place and the children in our care are just as special.
Being part of a Catholic school we recognise each child is unique and we endeavour to nurture every child’s talents and abilities.
We value parental support and we work in close partnership with parents to ensure our children are happy, confident individual learners.
We have clear routines and high expectations of our children and everyone is treated with respect.
We are aware that children learn best when they are engaged and motivated. We encourage children to be actively involved in their own learning and follow their own interests when possible.
We aim to have a stimulating environment both indoors and outdoors, with interesting resources which the children can access independently.
We believe in a balance of teacher-directed activity and of self-initiated learning. We recognise the importance of purposeful play as an integral part of the curriculum.
We hope that your child enjoys their time with us and, above all, has fun!
DfE - Development Matters Report and Illustrations
Development Matters - Information for Parents
My Happy Mind Planning Overview
Nursery - Maths - Scheme of Learning
Nursery Topics - Yearly Overview 2021-22
Reception - Long Term Planning