EYFS Curriculum Coverage

In the Early Years the children’s learning is linked to the Development Matters Age-related statements (see Development Matters Guidance and Booklet). Nursery children falling generally within either the birth to three or three to four age range, and Reception children within their age band. It is expected that many children will achieve the Early Learning Goals by the end of Foundation Stage and sometimes there may be some who achieve beyond this.
Nursery begin with a focus on the three Prime Areas of Learning - Personal Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development. In Reception Class the Prime Areas of Learning are consolidated and there is an increasing focus on the Specific Areas of Learning - Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
Some of the curriculum is taught through adult-directed tasks, however the
children are encouraged to find out things through play-based activities too. When possible we try to follow the interests of the children. The children are
encouraged to explore and find things out for themselves.
At the start of the Autumn term there is a strong emphasis on settling the
children to their new learning environment.
Much of the curriculum is taught through topic-based work. We usually learn about events that occur naturally throughout the year. We learn about plant growth and seasonal changes through the year.  We also find out about culture and faith when learning about different celebrations such as birthdays, Bonfire Night, Halloween, Christmas, St Benet’s Day and Easter. We also follow the interests and needs of our children. Often popular topics are dinosaurs, super heroes, knights and princesses.
The children are introduced to our Read Write Inc programme in Nursery and this becomes more structured in Reception Class.