Upper Junior
The Upper Junior area in school is heading towards the end of key stage two and so it is our aim to prepare your child for the transition to key stage three. Throughout your child’s time in the upper juniors we will aim to nurture and support each and every child towards growing independence; a responsibility towards their learning and a growth in spiritual and moral awareness through the roles and responsibilities which they will take on as older children in the school.
The school’s mission statement and the teachings of the Bible are central to the ethos and values of our area, and we recognise the need to support and nurture the children’s spiritual growth as well as academic progress. We place importance in prayer, with the children making their own contributions to this time.
It is a real privilege to watch children grow in so many ways!
The children work with different staff throughout the school day and this is a positive experience as it broadens their horizons. All staff have the same expectations of the children and are consistent in their approach.
Our curriculum foundation subjects cover lots of topics that encourage the children to learn independently as well as part of a group. We learn about History, Geography, Art & DT, Science, Music, PE, RE, French and ICT.
We aim to keep rules for handing in homework as simple as possible in order to teach the children good habits for secondary school.
ALL homework tasks should be returned to school for marking each TUESDAY. We would appreciate it if you could check homework and sign your child’s reading diary every week. Please support your child by reminding him/her to bring in homework promptly on (or before) Tuesday morning.
Please continue to encourage your child to read regularly EVERY day and please record everything that he/she reads at home in the reading record book . In the upper juniors we would encourage the children to be reading to an adult daily – including weekends.
Children need to bring their blue book bags into school every day along with their reading book and diary.
PE kits need to be in school throughout the week and in the colder weather we would encourage the use of track suit bottoms and a sweatshirt ( In school colours if possible which are blue/black). Water bottles for these sessions are also required.
Thank you for your support.
Downloadable Documents
Upper Junior Curriculum Grid Autumn 2018
Upper Junior Curriculum Grid Summer 2017
Upper Junior Curriculum Grid Autumn 2017
Upper Junior Curriculum Grid Spring 2017
Upper Junior Curriculum Grid Autumn 2016
Upper Junior Curriculum Overview 2014-15